
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Fun with Google

StatCounter informs me that certain persons are finding my blog by searching for "wanton debauchery photos."

What an erudite way to search for racy photographs! Heavens. That's practically Victorian.

I'm sorta proud that the dirty minds coming to my blog are at least smart dirty minds.

(Was it you, Dwight?)

Last night I was number three on Google for that phrase, but this morning I've already dropped to number four.

Well, that's okay. This post might bump me back up.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I love finding out the keywords that bring some people to my site. The two most popular are "corny jokes" which take them to the posts about my husband's ability to turn anything into a sexual joke and "trap door pj's" apparently my idea isn't a unique one. hee hee!

Jeannette E. Spaghetti said...

The majority of searchers landing on my blog are looking for some sort of Naked Ladies.... Thai Naked Ladies... Old Naked Ladies... Naked Neighbor Ladies... Origami Naked Ladies... Naked Ladies Farting...

And for some reason, a noticeable amount of people land on my blog looking for Gina Carrano. I have no idea how that happened.

Anonymous said...


Dare to dream!

I might pray to find Internet pictures of you engaged in "wanton debauchery", Jae, but I know I'm probably more likely to link to pictures of Issac suspiciously poking a crab rangoon with his Lightening McQueen fork.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I botched the spelling of Isaac. Sorry.

Jaelithe said...

What, Jeannette? No searchers yet for hot cock sauce?

KBO said...

Jeannette--What are the demographics of those who search for porn via "naked ladies"? Like, who uses that terminology with legitimate hopes of finding good porn?

Reminds me of a school situation I once had. Someone kept printing pictures of butts (not naked ones) and leaving them on the printers all over school. We called them the Butt Printer. Every teacher was on a mission to find the Butt Printer. Of course, I put my Encyclopedia Brown skills to work. Turns out it was this developmentally delayed kid who was searching for "jeans fun" to find all these bootylicious pictures.
Case: cracked. Pun intended.

R said...

what am i doing ridiculously wrong that the only info i get from statcounter is how many hits i get a day?? (and yes, i am adequately embarassed by this question.)

Jaelithe said...

Well, I get the keyword information by logging into my StatCounter account at the StatCounter website, clicking on the name of my blog, and then choosing Recent Keyword Activity from the sidebar menu.

If StatCounter isn't showing all your information, you might not be doing anything wrong-- it could be that their code didn't copy properly to your site. I would try choosing a new button and recopying the code, and if that still doesn't work, then I would contact help at StatCounter to find out what is going on.

R said...

you're so helpful. i will go try that.

Gourmama said...

Love your blog!

Kim said...

@rebecca, I can beat that. I didn't know about StatCounter. But I will now.

Kim said...

Oh dear lord I am an idiot. I had StatCounter, that's how I got that little pink counter on my webpage.

I don't have any fun keywords. Boo.

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

I came her looking for wanton debachery photos.
