
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Big Boy

Today I took you to your first day of part-time preschool.

You were nervous before we went. You asked me if the teacher would get mad at you if you couldn't do some of the same things the other children there could. You asked me what would happen if you didn't make any friends.

The teacher will be nice, I said. She'll understand that you're young, and you're still learning things. No one will care that you can't do some things that most of the other kids in your class can do, because there are so many other things you can do better than most kids your age can. Everyone has different strengths. You're good at some things and not so good at others, just like everyone else.

And of course you'll make friends.

The truth you'll know one day, all too soon, is that I didn't know these things— that your teacher would be understanding when you had problems, that the children in school would not tease you for being different, that you would make new friends— for sure. My certainty was a lie. I'm sorry.

But my hope was true.

When we got to your classroom, you ran right in, without even hugging me goodbye.

And when you came home, you came bursting with stories of a kind, understanding teacher, and new friends.

Good job, Big Boy.

Happy first day of school.


Awesome Mom said...

What a brave little guy!

Anonymous said...

this made me teary. i'm so proud of him. (and you!)

Anonymous said...

What a big day and a big step for all of you! He's going to have so much fun, and teach the teacher a few things in the process! :)

Anonymous said...

So awesome! Congrats, Isaac, Mom & Dad!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet post...we can only hope that all the teachers are wonderful...

Lisa said...


He's going to have alot of fun.

Lisa said...


He's going to have alot of fun.

Christina said...

That is great news! I have a feeling he'll have a great year, and find he really loves school.

Ruth Dynamite said...

The very best kind of first day. Yea!

Cynthia Samuels said...

That's just lovely. Bravo to our small friend -- and to his mom!

Daisy said...

He's a beautiful, brave little boy. :)

Anonymous said...

So sweet! I love his red hair (:

Anonymous said...

What a handsome young man right there!
I am loving the color of his hair. Do you think he would let you drag him to the Home Depot and stick his head up to the color matching thingie so I could show my hairdresser? eh, I didn't think so.

Judy Schwartz Haley | CoffeeJitters.Net said...

Gah! My baby is not even born yet and I teared up at the thought of sending her off to school. I'm so glad the day went well for your little boy.

Anonymous said...

All these "my baby's first day of school" posts are making me CRY ... like, knot-in-my-throat tears streaming-down-my-face cry. But I am glad you shared because it is making me more patient with my almost 9-month old. I'm seeing how fast the time goes. In three years he'll be going to "school" and I'll miss him so much that maybe I will let him play him the dog's water bowl tonight and not run over and say "NO!". Maybe.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm having a book giveaway in honor of SPD Awareness Month. Come on over and see what it's all about!!